Revision 5.1: DASH File Format Specification and File Intercommunication Architecture.

3 min readMay 13, 2021

We are releasing the next revision of the DASH File Format Specification and File Intercommunication Architecture. View here.

For this first of the three we are beginning with the industry level, and concentrating on overviewing one of the most relevant foundations to all industries and each of us today, whether we all fully agree with, realise or understand it or not — the metaverse.

It’s a term that first originated from Neal Stephenson’s Snowcrash novel back in 1992. And, although the book presented more of a dystopian cyber reality where timely pizza deliveries dictated the fate of an appointed driver’s and simulated avatar’s life, the term itself cannot be confined to a specific definition, phrase, idea, concept or dimension. There is no consensus as to what it actually means.

The metaverse is multi-dimensional, it’s an all-encompassing immersive reality that is able to seamlessly interweave the physical and digital, more succinctly connect each of us so that we can better co-create, socially interact, more efficiently communicate and, for the first time, our physical location can be completely detached from our perceived experiences. The metaverse is all about making smaller circles, reducing the friction and barriers around points of entry to the opportunities that allow each of us the freedom to live our lives unconfined to a pre-configured system or framed set of rules and conditions. It’s a persistent portal of space-time; perhaps can even be visualized as a sort of tesseract where time and space no longer confer the same limitations on our interactions, identities, make-up, activities and expansion as an entire species.

However, materialising this as a proper truth isn’t as planar as writing an interesting novel, it’s a linear evolution not a sudden disruption — the engineering required to make it all happen is not currently connected across one fabric; it is disjointed, where some innovations and advancements are incredibly future facing, whilst other essential components are either non-existent as of yet or still require vast amounts of iteration and improvement in order to reach a level of user experience that doesn’t drive us all into intense frustration.

An important point to all of this, and that will be detailed more below, is that when we talk about the metaverse, at least at DIGITALAX, we assimilate it to being an open, decentralised and web3 enabled reality — not built behind the walls of a gatekeeper where points of value exchange remain centralised, locked and only benefitting to a select few.

It is for this reason why DASH is empowered by a decentralised natively crypto and web3 incentive model for prospering a global, open sourced and authentic developer ecosystem that underwrites its dynamicness, upgradeability and interoperability with the ever-growing nature of how we interface with the metaverse. And, of timely relevance we will chronicle more of the Apple vs Epic saga, and how the implications for the outcomes that it poses sets to potentially disrupt the very future of our metaversal encounters and the industries empowered and built on top of it.

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We write prompts, design styles & build code for protocol-ecosystems where web3 fashion & latent machines draw distances between ideas & reality closer each day